Ms. Kate Beckel-Halliday » Kate Beckel Bio

Kate Beckel Bio

Kate Beckel went to elementary school at Central Elementary School out side of Chicago.
She and her family moved to Paris, France when she was 10 years old where she finished elementary school at Marymount International School.
Ms. Beckel transferred to the Ecole Active Bilingue Jeannine Manuel  for middle school and stayed there until the first year of high school.
Her family relocated back to Chicago, where she had 1 year of high school at New Trier High school, just outside Chicago.
Ms. Beckel transferred schools yet again when her family moved to London, England. She spent 2 years at the  American International School of London.
After completing high school Ms. B moved to NYC, NY where she attended New York University.  She earned her B.A. in Education and Anthropology.  She loved it so much that she stayed for her Masters in Education focusing on Math and Literacy Development.
Ms. Beckel taught for 7 years at international schools in Hong Kong, S.A.R, Istanbul, Turkey, and is now enjoying her third year teaching third grade at LDV. 


Art Project Supplies!

Dear Families,
We will be making stained glass "leaves" in our classroom this week for art.  We are in need of some wax paper. If you have an extra roll at home we would greatly appreciate it if you could send it in with your child by Friday!
Thank you as always for your support!
Grade 3